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Archive for July 24, 2009

OXM Reaches Issue 100, Says Goodbye To…

Can’t believe it’s been 100 issues. Ever since the launch of the Original Xbox, Official Xbox Magazine has been there. For the 100th issue, the OXM disc says goodbye to OXM Universe, a feature on the disc filled with many promises but ultimately never saw its dreams fulfilled due to unfortunate circumstances. So what do consumers get for the 31 disc journey? (Universe started on Disc 69) A little goodbye and thank you video. Not a bad way to end off the exploration.

Recently, it has been announced that Dan Amrich, who contributed immensely to OXM in so many ways, will be leaving to pursue a new project at the same company (Future). I wish him the best of luck in his endeavors!

Of course, I will still continue to subscribe as I have done so for so many years. It’s always nice to have something to read, especially in Florida when you don’t really know when your electrivity will go out. (Thank you storms and hurricanes!)