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What’s Cookin’ Cube? [#2]

Cookies, cookies, and cookies! Who loves cookies? I do! What’s not to love about them? They are tasty raw (yummy!) and delicious baked, refrigerated, frozen, fried (maybe) and barbecued! (right)

Last time I discussed about soup, and how good it can be. I don’t believe you can dunk a cookie into soup as you do with coffee, but there is always a first time for everything. Maybe a tea biscuit..

Anyways, here at Silvercublogger, is the day for cookies. A few days ago I wrote an article on CubeFood about Ginger Snap cookies.

I suppose my desire to cook originates from my mother’s genes, who helped make the cookies you see in the pictures.

Ginger Cookies… there is something so invigorating about eating them. They have quite a unique taste and always makes you crave for just one more.. until you notice all the cookies are gone.

Cookies are always something that can bring a smile on someone’s face.. unless you give them a cookie that is stale or just tastes terrible. Luckily in my case those incidents do not happen very often as I generally make cookies I know that I will like and they certainly won’t be stale when they come out of the oven.

Which brings me to another point.

If there is some cookies lying around that are a few days old, try and put them in the oven for a bit. Then take a bite and see what it’s like. Usually there is an improvement. With store-bought cookies, which usually contains chemicals, the point of warming them up is ridiculous, since in most cases you would rather throw them out and buy some more.

There was always something special about homemade cookies, and there will always will be. Nothing can beat something tasty right out of the oven.

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