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|[Blog Banter #8] {Paint Me Something Fresh}|

This edition of Blog Banter asks:

Which game would you like to see a modern re-make of and why?

This is a difficult question to answer, because it really all depends on how the game is made. Most of my favorite memories in my video game history is purely sentimental, for if I were to go back and play many of the games I played when I was younger, I would not enjoy it as much. I’d probably be pretty bored too and quit playing soon. Maybe it’s due to my non-existing ADHD disorder.

Nope, it’s just I have a hard time immersing myself into a game where the world is old. Now that I have experienced amazing visual worlds, thanks to Xbox 360’s high tech specs, there really is no going back. For if some developer were to remake a favorite video game of mine, would it still be as good?

Case in point – I loved Soul Calibur on the Dreamcast, but when I got Soul Calibur IV, I was extremely bored with the game, and I sold it a few days later. It was not a problem with the graphics though, it was the gameplay – I had experienced the same game years before, and it just felt very similar, which in turn made the game no fun.

Interesting point  – the gameplay was boring and repetitive yet the graphics were good. The old saying gameplay over graphics makes a game is true in some cases, but to me, these days, they both need to be adequate.

If a developer were to re-make a video game, they better do an awesome job and not mess the game up in any way. But it would be so hard to re-make a video game, especially an RPG. People have memories of what a game is, and for a developer to alter the formula could ultimately be a disaster.

So, if I were to re-make a game, I would not pick an RPG, and I would not pick a shooter. I would want to pick a game that would be fresh to play all over again, without too much sentimentality involved. The only logical choice I could think of was Mario Paint on the SNES.

Mario Paint was a game that came packaged with a mouse and a mouse pad, and had fun activites you could do like create music pieces, videos, and of course paint! When you wanted to take a break, there was a variety of mini-games you could choose from, including the infamous fly swatting game.

There is so much this game could do nowadays on the DS and Wii – even Xbox 360 if possible. So many new features could be added, especially now with the DS stylus and the Wii’s motion controls. Have some online interaction to share everyone’s creations, and right there you have an amazing game. I am into online gaming the most – I like games with multiplayer features. It is very difficult for me to play single player games these days.

Bottom line is, for me, if it’s a re-make, I hope it would be a fresh experience without annoying fans. There’s too many games that are just too similar and not very fresh, so what I’m looking for is originality and ingenuity.

Meanwhile, I will be playing some Orisinal games on my Wii…

What’s your take on this?

Honorable mentions: Warlocked – Game Boy Color, Gauntlet Legends – Nintendo 64. Or make a Care Bears game for the Xbox 360!

Blog Banter is made possible by Hawty McBloggy’s community and Game Couch’s coordination, and viewers like you. For more information on how to join Blog Banter, or to suggest a topic for Blog Banter, click me!

Participants: Lou Chou Loves You: Blade Runner, Zath!: Sid Meier’s Re-Colonization, XboxOZ360: Eternal Darkness, Unfettered Blather: Mech my day, Save in Progress: Earthworm Jim, MasterKitty’s Weblog: Zelda: A Link to the Past, Game Couch: Tass Times in Tone Town, Crazy Kinux: The modern re-make of a game, Delayed Responsibility: Crossover Triples, Taking You to School.

10 responses

  1. Totally agree mate. A true re-make needs to keep a certain distance to the original I think. It might be the same story, or same genre, but in order to avoid a too-close comparison to the “emotionally charged” original, there needs to be enough differences.

    [Psst! It’s Blog Banter #8, not #9!]

    September 23, 2008 at 11:04 am

  2. Thanks :)

    Fixed that. Taking a look at everyone’s articles now. ^_^

    September 23, 2008 at 12:48 pm

  3. If you could add mine I’d be grateful!

    The modern re-make of a game

    September 23, 2008 at 1:53 pm

  4. Thanks for the comment! :)

    Mario Paint was awesome. Almost like the original Guitar Hero, in the respect that you could use the Nintendo mouse for absolutely nothing else apart from that game! lol.

    I’ve just recently completed Indigo Prophecy. It was awesome, although the ending confused me! :/ I couldn’t understand how Carla had suddenly fallen in love with Lucas after them knowing each other for about 15 minutes.

    September 23, 2008 at 2:04 pm

  5. We already have Okami on the Wii, you’d think in Nintendo’s attempts to mine old franchises a modern re-work of this would already be in development. Seems perfect for the Wii and Okami is a good proof of concept even though it is 3rd party.

    Also, it seems perfect for Nintendo’s target audience. I’m almost surprised we haven’t seen a new version.

    September 23, 2008 at 2:08 pm

  6. @ CK: Added! :)

    @ Lou Chou: You are welcome. Yeah, Indigo’s story line became really strange – especially near the end.

    Yeah, there’s now a Guitar Hero game on the DS! That’s kinda cool, I guess.

    @ Jason 0: Okami! Beautiful game. I found it a bit frustrating though. Yeah it is a bit shocking Nintendo has not created another MP game.

    September 23, 2008 at 2:20 pm

  7. Pingback: Unfettered Blather » Blog Archive » Blog Banter - Mech My Day

  8. Pingback: Blog Banter!!!!! « Masterkitty’s Weblog

  9. Angela

    First off I want to say that your blog is always visually pleasing to the eye :)

    I really like multiplayer games, but sometimes I just feel at home playing single player. Then again there are times when I’m stuck playing a game that has multiplayer functionality like Animal Crossing, all by myself. That’s reeeeally boring.

    September 25, 2008 at 9:40 am

  10. Aww :)

    Thanks, Angela!

    I love Animal Crossing. Today I just got Samba De Amigo for the Wii!

    September 25, 2008 at 6:06 pm

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